Sunday, August 15, 2010

Despicable me

Y esterday, my mom and I went to see the new movie, "Despicable me" at a nearby theatre. It was pretty entertaining. I mean, it was a cartoon, and I'm sixteen, but I laughed out loud at a couple parts. Like the time when the little yellow minions ere photo-copying their butts. Such guy humor, and yet, I laugh :)

BTB, I found this link on Allison's blog, and if you click on it, the website has cool letters that start your post, like the "y", and they are free!!!

1 comment:

  1. I saw this movie with a friend... couple weeks ago. I thought it was really funny! The opening of the movie was hilarious when you think that this man is really nice (making a balloon for a sad child)... and then he pops it! Priceless.
